Tuesday, June 7, 2011

In the meantime . . .

[My apologies.  I meant to post this immediately after my post about the bread hiatus, but encountered some technical difficulties and then forgot all about it!]

In the meantime, I went on a crafting flight of fancy while I was in Old Sturbridge Village, snapping photos of all the cute bonnets I hope to replicate:

I think that Old Sturbridge Village might need some vintage replica bonnets for its gift shop (wink wink).  I didn't see any while I was there (and believe me, I looked), and some of the other vintage replica items I saw were made in China!  Not that I want to be a professional bonnet maker, but it IS a fantastic hobby.

Also taking up my time lately: the White Party.  A friend threw a dance party for his birthday, and we all had to wear white so we'd sparkle under the black light.  I, of course, decided to make my outfit, justifying the decision with the fact that I don't own anything white.  I decided on a white brocade vest and a white organza bubble skirt.  Ooh la la! 

Sadly, mistakes were made and photos were not taken at the party itself.  If I ever have an occasion to wear this outfit again, like, when I get married or something, I will definitely post a photo, because it was fabulous!  Here's a shot of the top half of the outfit, that at least gives a general idea of the flavor of the event.  It was completely over the top!

Finally, a look back at the fascinators worn at the Royal Wedding Viewing Party:

I almost think that these are a bit TOO much, and that I'll go for something a bit understated next time.  But I suppose that if you're going to wear a fascinator anyway, you might as well go big or go home.

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