Monday, June 13, 2011

More Costumes

This weekend I attended a Firefly-themed Nerd Party.  At first, I wasn't sure if I wanted to dress as a character or just go as myself (nerdy).  But, when the day came I realized that I can't not dress up, so I set about trying to rig up a last minute costume.  I also had to stay at home and wait for the handyman to make a bunch of repairs, so heading out and buying coveralls (Kaylee) or an awesome leather vest (Zoe) was out of the question.  What I had on hand was a down-on-its-luck old satiny bedsheet, which I decided was a great color for Inara.  With only an afternoon to work with, not much extra fabric, and not much chance of ever wearing it again, I decided to make the costume quick and easy - no lining, no seam finishing, and kind of shoddy hemming.  Even so, I think the dress turned out pretty well for something made in three hours with no pattern!  I would only make a few changes:  I should have measured and cut more carefully through the tight-fitting skirt, as I ended up with some extra fabric around my waist and not quite enough around my hips.  I also probably should have sewn the gathered sections of the shoulder straps together, rather than relying on fabric loops which occasionally shifted position, giving the bodice a slightly deflated look.  In fact, I may make this dress again, adding a lining and incorporating the changes above.  It was flattering and dramatic in a sort of Greek goddess-inspired way.

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