Monday, June 13, 2011

Map Your Garden

I just learned a valuable lesson - I should make a little map after I plant my garden.  It only takes a few minutes, and can save you a major headache down the road.  I've tried labeling the different sections of my garden in the past, but the labels always seemed to migrate through feline intervention and end up buried in a completely different section of the garden.  When I'm out weeding, it would really help to know what I planted where, so that I can more easily pick out the keepers from the weeds.

Earlier this spring, I had the creative idea of planting beets and chard next to each other in the same plot.  Some visual part of my brain was sure that all the red-veined leaves would look glorious growing together.  Except that now I can't remember where I planted which, and the leaves look much more similar than I expected them to!  I'm waiting for the chard to mature a little, when it should have a more rippled appearance, but until them I'm kind of at a loss.  I'm going to have to start thinning the beets soon, and I don't know where to begin!

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