Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Bread Hiatus

In the past few weeks I have been traveling, have started a new job, and (perhaps most importantly) realized that I have gained ten pounds since I started writing this blog.  So I've been taking a little bread hiatus, or at least trying not to eat a loaf of bread every day!  I'm confident that this will be short-lived, for two reasons.  First, because I'm working really hard to lose the weight (fact: bread is not the only culprit here), and second, because I have exciting bread news!

I picked up this nifty little pamphlet at Old Sturbridge Village (which I LOVED!)  It has 56 bread recipes, most of which are old fashioned, about half of which have been pulled straight from my New England roots, and none of which have been seen on this blog before!  I'm planning to bake my way straight through this booklet (except for the recipe for bacon bread, because it's no fun to make things I can't eat!)  I may have to skip around a bunch, based on seasonal availability of ingredients - and no one wants to eat pumpkin bread in June anyway.  My plan is to start in with the new recipes as soon as I lose some weight, or as soon as I give up on losing it, so either way sometime in mid- to late June.

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