Monday, June 20, 2011

Not Baking

It's nearly summer, the weather's beautiful, and for once I don't really feel like filling my apartment with hot baking fumes.  I stopped by the Pioneer Square farmers market on my lunch break today and picked up some early green beans and some lovely, bright green arugula.  When I got home this evening, I made a cold salad from quinoa, green beans, arugula, garlic, and lemon juice.  I steamed some quinoa, then popped it in the fridge to cool.  Then I chopped the green beans about one inch long and roasted them in a tinfoil envelop in the oven with a little bit of olive oil, some chopped garlic, salt, and pepper.  After everything was cool, I tossed it with lemon juice, fresh chopped garlic, salt, and pepper.  Last, I mixed in the arugula and added more lemon juice to taste.  This dish tends to make me smell like garlic for days, but it is completely worth it for flavor alone.  Plus, I have satisfied my intense craving for healthy, green, spring food.

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