Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Running out of Yeast

I ran out of yeast today.  This was somewhat alarming to me, as I usually buy up huge quantities of yeast when it's on sale and then fret about it possibly losing its potency, but never about it running out.  It was slightly more alarming because, although I'm capable of making nice bread without yeast, I was halfway through combining the ingredients for a batch of baguettes, which require quite a lot of yeast.  I decided to plow forward (mostly because I wasn't feeling creative enough to plow backward) with my bread, and let it rise for longer periods to compensate for using only about a third the amount of yeast that I usually use.  I started making the baguettes at around 6:30 this evening, and at 10:30 I am watching the clock and waiting for them to finish rising so I can pop them in the oven for a bit and then go to bed.  If nothing else, this is a yeast experiment, and I love a good experiment.


The bread turned out fairly fluffy, since I let it rise multiple times, and very soft inside.  I learned that I don't need a huge amount of yeast if I'm patient enough to let the dough rise for a long time.

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