Friday, April 29, 2011

LOVED the Royal Wedding!

I just got back from a Royal Wedding Viewing Party and it was DELIGHTFUL!  My mom and our friend Cory and I all wore the fascinators I made (picutres coming soon), and we had a grand time comparing our outfits to what the famous attendees were wearing.  My fascinators were definitely neither as creative nor as intricate as most of those on display at the wedding, but they made us feel like we were part of the action.  My mom's friend Helen served the most fabulous tea - there were scones and clotted cream, mini quiches, cake, and a delightful pastry with a fig filling that I have since forgotten the name of.  We drank tea and coffee at first (we got there at four in the morning!!) then switched to champagne to toast the newlyweds and mimosas to continue the fun.  By the time I got home around 11am I was ready to go back to bed!

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