Sunday, October 3, 2010

Spelt Bread and Fall Cooking

It always pleases me to see this . . .

. . . turn into this . . .

 . . . even though there's usually a lot of hard work in between.  Besides the fact that this spelt version of the River Cottage Break Handbook's basic loaf was wetter and absorbed a ridiculous amount of extra spelt flour during kneading, it behaved pretty much as expected.  I added a little bit of applesauce in place of some of the water, and the bread has a little bit of sweetness that goes really well with the nutty spelt flavor.  My only major miscalculation is that spelt isn't gluten free - of course it isn't!  You can't make bread rise without gluten!  So I guess I can't bring this lovely bread to work (where I would feel guilty parading the fresh baked bread in front of a gluten-intolerant co-worker).  Oh well, more for me!

Today was also a day for using the apples and pumpkins I picked in Hood River yesterday.  I ran out of time/energy after cooking and pureeing two pumpkins, making pumpkin butter, dehydrating some apples, making the spelt bread, and cleaning my house.  I feel about as worn out and used up as these:

I really thought I'd find the energy to make an apple pie tonight, but I'm thinking that maybe finding the energy to watch a movie is a more realistic expectation!

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