Saturday, October 2, 2010

Happy (Subway) Graduation!

My awesome friend Holly threw a graduation party for her boyfriend Cam, who not only was an amazing son and helped his mom buy a Subway franchise, but also attended Subway university with her.  Since I was pretty sure that 2 1/2 weeks of Subway college was more work than 4 years of liberal arts college, I decided to make a cake for him.  I tried to follow the spirit of my super cool and talented friend (from back in middle school) Treacy Silverstein, who writes the most decadent blog on the internet -  But, I also ended up following the method of Meggie - don't do anything too difficult or frustrating, because I don't want to show up at someone else's party in a huff.

I wanted to create a cake that looked like a Subway logo.  I started with two eight inch lemon cakes - made from a box mix on Wednesday night after work, no time this week to make vegan cake or bake from scratch.  On Friday night after work, I mixed up a big bowl of buttercream frosting.  I dyed most of it dark green and reserved two small bowls for decorating.  By the time I got the frosting green enough (it took almost an entire bottle of food coloring), it was nearly seven, and the party started at 7:30.  I made the executive decision that even with all the time in the world I would have a hard time drawing the subway logo in any medium, especially frosting.  So, I sort of hinted at the logo, and it was enough.  People liked the cake, Cam felt celebrated, and everyone ended up with green tongues.  Success!

1 comment:

  1. Ha, I just noticed this shout-out! Thanks!

    Dying frosting is one of my least favorite cake tasks, probably only second to cleaning up after myself. I find it's easier if you buy the gel food coloring from a craft store. It's more concentrated than the liquid drops you get at the grocery store, so just a little scoop will get the frosting dark a lot faster.

    That said, I think your cake looks great and sounds delicious!
