Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Perfect Oregon Day

Today I started the perfect weekend.  Some friends and I drove over to Hood River - the home of Full Sail Brewery and many, many fruit farms - and stocked up for fall.  I bought at least 15 pounds of apples - about 2lbs for eating and the rest for baking apple pies, making applesauce, making apple butter, and drying for snacks this winter.  I can only imagine that this is just a dent in the amount of apples I'll really need to get me through the winter, but I was trying to be realistic (and also not freak out my friends by buying $30 worth of apples . . .)

I also picked up these lovely baking pumpkins, which I plan to puree and freeze for my future pumpkin needs.  I may have to make a little pumpkin butter, too, and I'll continue to buy more pumpkins throughout the season to make pumpkin pies and other treats.

Finally, because I can't resist anything jam or marmalade related, and because I've bought these marmalades before and they are completely addictive, I picked up some local Hood River pear marmalade and raspberry habenero pepper jelly, as well as Walla Walla onion mustard.

I'm tired, my feet are dirty, and my house is full of fruit and vegetables.  I have a ciabatta experiment rising in my kitchen right now, and I feel very content indeed.

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