Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Crazy Cooking Weekend Recap

Here's all the fun stuff I did this weekend in picture recap form:

I made bread with my friend Beth.  She's totally a natural and will now (I assume) be making her own bread all the time.  Probably.

We used her stand mixer, which was really awesome!  WAY better than expected.  More on that soon.

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We also cooked up a delicious casserole dish full of golden beets, apples, shallots, and onions, with a little salt and pepper and pumpkin pie spice (no joke, I have no idea what was in it!)  I got the idea from the awesome Darina Allen, whose beet and apple chutney I plan to tackle next weekend.

I canned up some beautiful heirloom tomatoes (see previous post).

I made a delicious (and pretty) apple pie!

And leftover pie crust cookies to go with it!  (I ate a bunch of 'em though).

And finally, I slept, a lot.  Whoever invented three day weekends is my kind of person.  A weekend full of hanging out with friends, cooking, and napping is pure bliss for me.  I'd like to take the time to wax rhapsodic about Beth's KitchenAid Mixer, but tonight is not the night for it.  I got an awesome new job, and now I have to put in some overtime to show how much I deserve it!

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