Sunday, January 22, 2012


The number one thing I love about frittatas is that they aren't quiche.  A frittata takes one look at watery quiche in a bland crust and thinks, "I'm the man!"  Because it totally is.  It has all the things that make a quiche great (eggs and savory vegetable combinations) and none of the gelatinous ooze.  Tonight, as I was cooking slightly more ambitious food to eat for lunches and dinner this week, I whipped up a 20 minute frittata out of half a leftover onion, a couple of big cremini mushrooms pilfered from another recipe, and a red pepper.  Most of my actual time was spent roasting the pepper in the toaster oven!

I sauted the mushrooms and onions on about medium heat until the onions were brown and the mushrooms were soft, then added the chopped up roasted pepper.  I mixed it around a little in the frying pan, then poured six eggs beaten with a little salt and pepper over the top.  I made sure everything was spread out evenly, then let the mixture cook in the pan for about three minutes, then I popped it in the oven and broiled it for about five more minutes.  Right now, I'm eating a slice of frittata with a slice of buttered and toasted focaccia, as I browse other people's food blogs for inspiration.  Yum.

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