Sunday, January 22, 2012

Cooking Day!

The morning started with a fluffy focaccia baked in the brand new stainless steel pan my mom gave me for Christmas.  She searched everywhere for a pan that wasn't coated in non-stick coating (which, when you abuse your pans as much as I do, tends to start flaking pretty quickly, and also killing you with its non-stick toxins).  Apparently, only super high-end cooking stores are carrying this type of pan these days, and they cost a mint.  I was particularly pleased with my mom's find because I found out that she found it on sale at T.J. Maxx for ten bucks!  Anyway, it conducts heat so much better than my old pan (purchased as part of a "going off to college" set a million years ago) and makes the fluffiest focaccia out there!  Plus, the bread doesn't stick to it at all and I don't have as many petrochemicals in my breakfast.  I win!

After that I slacked off for a while, but next up I'm going to be trying out some recipes from Smitten Kitchen to last me through the work week.  I love Cooking Day.

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