Sunday, October 23, 2011


Do you ever get desespere?  That's just a fancy word I use for being in a funk or feeling listless.  When I'm feeling truly sad or angry, cooking always helps, but it doesn't always work on desespere.  Thus I found myself on Friday night with all the ingredients to make multiple batches of mini pumpkin pies and mini quiches, and no energy or interest in making them.  I had promised my best friend that they would be ready by around noon on Saturday, but I just kept putting it off.  For once, I didn't think that cooking would fix my crankypants mood.  And then this happened:

As much as I grumbled while rolling out 40-some individual pie crusts, these little things are amazing.  I felt weirdly like a proud mom.  I made them, they're wonderful, and then I got to share them with all my friends.  So I guess the moral is that, even when cooking can't fix a bad mood, food is always a good thing.  As are very appreciative friends.

For more information on the actual pies, I used my standard 1 crust recipe (1 cup flour, 5 tbsp butter, cut into the flour, 1 tsp salt, 4 tbsp cold water, added slowly in case you only need three) and rolled it out into 16 mini rounds.  The first time I tried it, I rolled out all the dough and tried to cut it into rounds, but that was a loser.  It works much better to cut the dough into 16 parts, then roll each individually.  Rolling them out is a total chore.  But they taste way better and are much lighter than store bought crusts, so there's that.  I used a real pie pumpkin, of course, can't stand that canned pie filling anymore, and followed the Joy of Cooking pumpkin pie recipe.  Mmm, it is so delicious!  I had the last one for breakfast this morning!

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