Wednesday, August 10, 2011

We've Got Peaches

Oh my goodness, don't those look just delicious?!!!  I bought a whole bunch of them to make peach marmalade (one of my top five favorite things I've never made before - I repeat, this blog is not fact checked) but they just look so peach-y.  It seems like a crime to marmalade them!  I was going to make a peach and blueberry cobbler, as well, but I doubt the blueberries will last through tomorrow.

I wish there was a way to capture peaches and summer forever.  As much as I love and anticipate apple season, I love that fleeting moment of summer when there are more peaches and blueberries than we know what to do with and everything smells like peach fuzz.  I always want to hang onto it for just a little bit longer than it wants to stay.

That said, peach marmalade will suit me very well indeed in January.

1 comment:

  1. Also: a little sea bathing would set me up for life!
