Monday, August 8, 2011

Happy (Belated) Birthday

It was my birthday!  I know I didn't miss it, but the blog sure did.  Stupid blog.  I don't think we can even be friends anymore.

Anyway, I had a huge birthday party a few weeks ago, and I made this awesome tasting and totally structurally unsound cake.  I don't know what it is with me and cakes lately.  I cannot take them out of the pans without breaking them or finding out I've undercooked them!  I tested my oven with an oven thermometer, and it's working fine.  I think I'm just not very careful.  Or maybe it's Lindsey's fault:

Lindsey and I are birthday buddies (hers is the day after mine), and I find it suspicious that the past two cakes I've made have had Lindsey's name on them and have had some structural issues :)  Of course, it could also have something to do with my total lack of free time and attention span.  I managed to decorate this cake with enough little curlicues, flowers, and writing that it wasn't super noticeable that the entire cake was listing.  Plus, I throw a whiskey party for my birthday, so all my friends were listing too!

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