Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas Baking is Here!

For me, winter is a season filled with time commitments.  But it's also a great season for hunkering down and cooking, and the holidays provide an excuse to make foods we know we probably shouldn't be eating.  The best part is that, after we've cooked all these decadent, starchy, and fattening foods, we can force others to eat them (if we happen to be watching our waistlines).  I've been so busy cooking and going to Christmas parties, that I haven't had a chance to post photos of or stories about my creations here.  Mostly, I've been churning out Irish Soda Bread and rosemary focaccia like my life depends on it, and adding sugar cookies and muffins to the mix whenever I have time.

However, I have had a few exciting cooking experiences this December that I thought were worthy of noting here.  Today, I opened my first can of the tomatoes I canned this summer.  (That would be my first can of my first canning.)  I ate them heated up over cheese tortellini for dinner, and I'm still alive!  This is truly cause for celebration.  I have also been making a whole lot of delicious soups and stews and various delicious pumpkin creations that I have neglected to photograph or share here.  Last weekend, I made a delicious buttermilk split pea soup of my own creation.  The roasted garlic and buttermilk flavors almost make up for the lack of ham (but not quite, nothing really can).

Next up: Gingerbears, baguettes, knitting projects, and an adventure into traditional cookies I've never made before.  I'd also like to make a pumpkin pie, which I just haven't been able to get around to yet.  The problem, of course, is that I usually bake for other people, and so I never find the time to bake something to keep and eat all by myself!

Here's a little Christmas cheer to kick off my favorite baking season:

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