Tuesday, November 30, 2010


That's right, folks.  I'm a NaNoWriMo winner!  Quite a few times this month, I doubted that I would finish and I doubted that finishing would be worth it.  Now, from the end of the road (or, at least, the end of November) I can say that it was totally worth it.  Is my novel finished?  Of course not.  I'm about halfway through the plot, and the half I have written was written in a crazy rush based on an arbitrary deadline.  But the important thing is that I met that arbitrary deadline.  It has given me a huge rush of confidence that I can, in fact, finish this novel, and that it's worth finishing.  So, I have set a new deadline for myself.  I'll finish the novel by October 31, 2011. 

In the meantime, I should have more time for baking!  The holidays make me cookie-tastic, so I'm looking forward to many delicious posts in the upcoming weeks.

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