Sunday, September 12, 2010

Garlic French Bread II: Too Moist, Too Flat

Yesterday I made the same garlic french bread recipe that was the bane of my existence last weekend.  I really wasn't in the mood to spend half my life kneading unresponsive dough, so I added enough water to make the dough sticky and easy to manipulate.  I also dissolved the yeast in the water before I added it to the flour/salt mixture.  I don't know if this was my best idea ever.  I also let the dough rise for a really long time.  Like three hours.  Because I fell asleep.  Honestly, I helped my awesome friend Holly celebrate her 30th birthday on Friday night, and I really shouldn't have gotten up and tried to make bread the next morning.  The bread is surprisingly tasty (probably thanks to the eight cloves of lightly roasted garlic I added to it) but came out a little flat.  I like that it is moister than the last loaf, but maybe I should add slightly less extra water next time. 

The number one problem with this batch of garlic french bread was that it consistently expanded by oozing and spreading rather than by rising upward.  I think that this must be due to extra moisture in the dough.  So, I guess the moral of today's post is, don't add THAT much extra water.  And probably also: don't bake hungover.  Luckily, I get a redo.  Today I'm taking my first ever stab at ciabatta!

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