Monday, August 2, 2010

Cooking again!

Dude.  It has been a rough couple of weeks.  During the last crunch up to the bar exam, I lost my will to cook (or really to do anything other than flip flashcards and watch Friends reruns).  Even after the last day of the test on Wednesday, I was too busy drinking, and feeling relieved, and buying myself possibly undeserved (and definitely not affordable) presents, to do much of anything.  But, there is good news.  My will to bake finally came back, and I made some decent baguettes using a recipe out of Confessions of a French Baker by Peter Mayle for a party I threw on Saturday night.  Then, because we ate them all on Saturday, and I was desperately hungry, I made another set on Sunday.  They taste excellent with pesto, or goat cheese, or really anything.

But, they still don't have the earthy flavor I'm hankering for.  I'm going to keep trying different recipes until I find it, because I know it's out there.  For now I"m content to sit on my patio, sipping cheap Pinot Grigio and eating baguette and cheese.  Life could get a heck of a lot worse . . .

1 comment:

  1. I very much enjoyed nomming your baguettes, Meg. (DEAR INTERNET: THAT IS NOT A EUPHEMISM! Git your mind out the gutter.)

    Keep 'em coming.
