Monday, September 5, 2011

Wheat Sandwich Bread

One of my constant complaints about homemade wheat bread is that it's too dense and just isn't as fun to eat as most white bread.  Focaccia and baguette and fougasse and all the other lovely but nutrient deficient breads that I love are easy to eat with just a bit of olive oil or cheese.  But wheat bread is a project to eat.  So, I went looking for a better wheat bread recipe, and I found one!  Behold the power of the internet!  I found the recipe on  It makes a basic sandwich loaf that holds together pretty well and is light and chewy.  I found out that it gets stale (or you can tell that it's stale) pretty quickly, but other than that it is delightful.

I only made half the recipe and ended up with two nice sized loaves.  Because of the size of my loaf pans, the slices are a bit small for a traditional sandwich, but I'm comfortable with eating two smaller sandwiches, in a pinch.  I think that in the future I might add a coating of oats and seeds to the outside, or even mix some seeds in, because this bread could be a bit more robust, but it fulfilled its promise of being easy to make and even easier to eat!

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