Tuesday, November 30, 2010


That's right, folks.  I'm a NaNoWriMo winner!  Quite a few times this month, I doubted that I would finish and I doubted that finishing would be worth it.  Now, from the end of the road (or, at least, the end of November) I can say that it was totally worth it.  Is my novel finished?  Of course not.  I'm about halfway through the plot, and the half I have written was written in a crazy rush based on an arbitrary deadline.  But the important thing is that I met that arbitrary deadline.  It has given me a huge rush of confidence that I can, in fact, finish this novel, and that it's worth finishing.  So, I have set a new deadline for myself.  I'll finish the novel by October 31, 2011. 

In the meantime, I should have more time for baking!  The holidays make me cookie-tastic, so I'm looking forward to many delicious posts in the upcoming weeks.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Cathartic Cooking

It turns out the main problem with working 12 hour days and trying to write a novel in a month is that I really miss cooking!  I kind of binged on vegetables and bread flour at the store tonight, then came home and cooked enough food for a small dinner party.  After making soup and a frittata, and around the time that I was shouting while banging the dough on the counter, I decided that I need to be cooking something every day.  I think that only shouting at bread dough could have made me feel better about my crappy day.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

NaNoWriMo Progress

Usually, on a lovely, gray Saturday morning when I don't have anywhere to be until 1pm, I get up and make bread.  I get the coffee going and put on OPB and have myself a nice relaxing morning.  I'm usually starving by the time the bread is ready, and then I eat half the loaf, but the system works for me.  This morning, I got up and wrote 4,000 words.  I wrote them at the coffee shop down the street because I've been stressed out and I didn't feel like making my own breakfast.  I think I need to find some life balance!